
Pointer Visualisations


Pointer visualisations are designed to provide information regarding the pointer for the load/store instructions LDR, LDRB, STR, STRB. The visualisation can be viewed by using the button Show Pointer that automatically appears when needed, or by using the keyboard shortuct Shortcut+Alt+P if the visualisation has been disabled via the settings panel.

Shortcut is Ctrl for Windows and Linux, and Cmd for Mac OS X.

The following information is provided in the pointer visualisations:

Item Description
Pointer name The register name R0-R14 used as the pointer
Base address The value of the pointer without the offset
Offset The offset value to be added the pointer
Base + Offset The base+offset value of the pointer
Value used The value loaded from/stored to memory
Pre-post/indexing disabled Pointer remains unchanged after execution
Pre-indexing enabled Pointer is set to base+offset before being used
Post-indexing enabled Pointer is set to base+offset after being used
Instruction summnary Provides an overview of how the load/store operation takes place